The New Spinal Column of the New Earth

Immensely powerful energies are pouring in and thus, as our new Light-bodies form for the New Earth, we indeed now have two spinal columns, one still in the physical form, and one in the etheric, or rather in the Light body as it gets activated in 7 stages.   

When the Light body gets activated all at once, we would not be able to still bridge form between the Old Earth and New Earth.  We are in a time still of transition – although many are already operating in the New Earth and thus in that much higher dimensional state, the old physical form takes a bit longer to adjust, although it is there, already adjusting. 

I am noticing this constantly within my own body now, as all is being rejuvenated and being reinvented, and others do start to notice this too.  When they do, I know this is not my imagination, but very real.

I was called to a place this morning, where I first encountered the Crystal Pyramids (sunk offshore under the sea) and an immensely powerful vortex energy.  I often am called there when immense changes are about to occur and then shown what these are.

Indeed, I nearly took off, as the powerful energy of the New Earth surged through me, and I literally welcomed into the New Earth and indeed walked upon her, as she is very much present and accessible within Nature, especially the Waters. 

When I came back, I was still so energized that I needed to lie down, and then was shown what was happening.  I now clearly saw my second spinal column, stretching way beyond my head, as the physical embodiment in the Light body of the New Earth is much taller.  At the same moment I was shown how more chakras are now forming and opening – not just 12, but indeed 24 and these will expand when we fully incorporate the New Earth embodiment, to 36 etc.   

The Spinal column acts as a Lightning Rod, an energy conductor, and more than this a Tuning Fork and indeed acts like a Cosmic Antenna which tunes into the Cosmic Spinal column and that of the Earth. In this case, again two, the Old and the New, until the Old then complete dissolves.  This is because we are still very much physically involved in the Old Earth, although transitioning.

I have worked with the Spinal Column of the Earth since 2009, and indeed worked intensely with the full opening, as during the different epochs on earth, and the sinking of landmass and reforming of such, especially after the floods, a lot of these centers were shut down.  (Read my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.”)

I was therefore overjoyed, to see that the New Spinal Column of the New Earth was in place and indeed, vibrating at immense speed.  It was of much higher frequency and vibration (Dimensional) than the old and it was indeed now activating dormant centers in the Giza Pyramids and all pyramids on earth (which still are visible) and the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystalline Pyramid Grids. During the time of Elysium all of the Crystal Pyramids were placed in strategic places and all were tuned in the Spinal Column of the Earth and indeed, these are all power points within a massive power grid, which is literally plugged in, through the spinal column to the Solar Core, the Galactic Core and the Universal Core Spinal Columns. (As above – so below).

I was shown how the whole is tuned into the Orion and Sirius and Cygnus (Horus) and indeed how energy is pouring in the Intergalactic and Universal Cores through these into the spinal column of the New Earth.

In turn, all of you are going to find that there is great movement now within your spinal column.  This is because of the second spine becoming more activated in some, and indeed expanding in those whose light bodies are activated in the first stages.  (Note there are 7 stages.  We are but in the first stages now, as by 2032, the full activations will be active as the Old Earth totally disintegrates).

What this means is that our sacred heart centers are then fully activated, as well as our higher minds (psychic, channeling and transmitting and tuning abilities) and we will be able to access Cosmic Information and Knowledge and Wisdom, which will assist us to co-create the New Golden Age.

We will be going through intense changes in the next few months, as the Old Earth disintegrates more and the old systems and old ways, and transition into the New.  Indeed, the more some cling onto the old, the more they will find that it all dissolves.  The Old cannot hold form any longer.

Image Credit: VinaArt

Yet, understand that the greatest transition, will come INSIDE of you. You will be stretched into the New You.  Within a year from now you will hardly recognize yourself anymore and that is how it should be. 

Seek not validation outside yourself – seek this within.  Walk in the company of the Divine and your highest guidance and you will find yourself navigating the immense changes easily and rise ever higher into the True You, the new you, the expanded you, the truthful you and the New Earth.  You will be assisted through it all.

The New Spinal Column will indeed reveal so much within ourselves which we need now to remember so that we can walk the New Earth.  As it gets activated more and more, we will start to reassume our full Universal Mastery and reconnect with the all the parts of our soul and resume our Galactic and Universal citizenship in the highest degrees.

We will now be able to manifest into form and being in much higher ways and degrees and within the Divine Laws.  More than this, from the Sacred Heart AS ONE with the Divine and the highest truth within.

We will be able to communicate heart to heart, soul to soul, and telepathically and lies and deceit will exist no more.

The Spinal Columns are tuning us into our Cosmic Self and indeed Mother Earth back into the Cosmic Fray where she truly belongs.

Judith Kusel

Activation Ancient History ascension Atlantis awareness body mind spirit chakras consciousness cosmic energies divine source earth changes earth energies energy centres Energy fields gaming health Heart Energies Higher Healing karmic patterns Life Skills love loving relationships medicine mental-health milky way galaxy New Earth New Golden Age politics pyramid temples relationships religion science solar flares Soul soul empowerment soul group soul groups Soul Purpose spirit and soul spirituality travel Twinflame love twin flames vacation very high frequency

Image Credit: AVA Design.

Rejoice the New Earth!



The World and Humanity is taking on a totally new form and expression.  The Old world does in truth not exist anymore – what is still existing is the illusion of the old world and the old-world orders.  Duality.  Separation.

It is almost like the Old World’s ghosts and all the emotional charges, the mental programming and all which with it, is spurning out and spinning out, coughing up, the old dramas, the old dualities and separation one more time, but the more it does so, the function and purpose it serves.

It is almost a desperate attempt by the Old Order, the Old Programming to stay in form, yet the more it tries to stay in form, the more form-less it becomes, the more it is spun out of form and the more it panics.

What has already emerged and is indeed already her, underneath our feet and within our own bodies and forms and ever present already in our souls, is the New Earth and the New Golden Age.  It is pulsating and it is pouring in!  The Floodgates of Heavens have opened, and it is now truly making itself felt.

The old dualities, the old separation, cannot hold form in the New Earth.  It dissolves before it can even try and take form.

The New Earth is vibrant, she is a beautiful, vibrant, healthy and alive Being, and she is dancing and singing with joy!  She has been reborn into the 5th and now rushing with exuberance and exultation into the 7th, her original form!  She is not alone: – for the whole solar system and Milky Way Galaxies are ascending with her and she is literally being pulled by a massive Cosmic Tidal Wave of change, into the highest dimensions.  Yet, she is riding that Tidal Wave with joy!  She is laughing and singing, as she has been freed from the shackles and bonds which held her prisoner for so long in the 3D, and the utmost density.  All is no more!

And you, who are still hovering between the worlds, between the old density of forms and old separation and old alienation and programming and all the 3D entails, awaken!

For in truth, you will find you cannot hold form anymore. Yet, you are changing, and the more you try to desperately cling onto anything, the more it will vaporize and disappear.

Let go of the old attachments.  Let go of the old forms.

You cannot ever be separated from the Divine, nor the Divinity within you!  You are indeed ONE with all of Creation. Creation lives and breathes THROUGH you!  You are a Divine Soul and you are a Cosmic Citizen!  You are the Divine Presence here on earth through your soul.  Allow the Divine Source to fill you and guide you and become through you!

The more you lose the persona, the ego, the freer you become.  You are All-That-Is and All-That-Is is you!

You carried the Omni-Verse within you!

Instead of fearing the changes and the dissipation of all that was before, welcome it in!

Fear only clogs up the energy fields in and around you and holds you prisoner, inert and unable to move.

All the old programming, all the old emotions, all the old thought and thought systems, have in truth gone!  What is left is the ILLUSION of such!  The Maya, which was created by humankind itself!  The Maya is no more!  It only exists in your own imagination!

There is nothing to fear – but rather to embrace!

Yes, it can feel as if everything is disintegrating and you are too.  That is indeed what is meant to happen.  For the old you, cannot hold form anymore.

Formlessness is indeed another state of Being.

Form and formless are one and the same!

Out of the formless New Creation arises!

If you desperately want to be in charge, if you cling onto your old self, the more you will find it vaporizes.  It is all good!

The New Earth is filled with Unity, Harmony, Abundance, Co-Creatorship, Peace, and Immense Heart Expanded Awareness, steeped in the Knowing that one is Divine within!  One is a Universal Being!   Nothing is impossible anymore – all is possible when it is manifest into form through the open-heart center and with great love!

Rejoice!  The new and expanded YOU is here!

You are a new Being!

You have been reborn!

You have been reinvented!

Rejoice and embrace life and life more abundantly!

Judith Kusel

In a world of Reason – it is time to listen to the heart….


In the world of Reason, we forgot to listen to the voice of the heart…

We wanted to rationalize everything and then divorced the mind from the heart.  For what we could we not label nor put into neat little boxes and rationalize into Being by measuring it, by formulating it, we ignored.

In the process we created separation – from the heart, from the soul, from the Divine, from ourselves and others.

We wished to control all and everything, for we falsely believed that when we controlled everything, we would gain power.  Yet, that power is futile.  For it built on the unstable foundations, for in truth the whole physical existence is but an illusion, and what really matters is what is mostly invisible to the naked eye, but best felt within the deepest recesses of the heart and soul, its intuitive knowing, its inner seeing, knowing and hearing.

It is when humanity is suddenly confronted with its own frailties, its own innate un-wholeness, and false programming and thinking, indeed, its own mortality, that we are being forced back into our hearts and souls and finally forced to find the truth, the inner balance and harmony, the wholeness within ourselves, our hearts and soul and our infinite connection with the Divine and All-That-is!

In truth we could not live on planet earth without her consent.  We are but passengers on the spaceship, called Earth and therefore know that passengers can be aborted, can be asked to leave, and in truth are there but by the Grace of the Divine, and because of Mother’s Earths permission. She has a soul, and is a Divine Creation, just like we are!

Indeed, we have forgotten our Divine-given guardianship of Mother Earth and all upon her.  We caged her animals,  and pockets of nature, and put them in National Parks and preserved little parts of her, for our own entertainment: – as we caged human beings into heart-less structures and boxes cities, boxed-in places where nature is delegated to small green areas and little gardens and all is measured by structures and forms, which in truth are but measured by the control they exert in some form or another.  In truth who is free?


We need to thank the Corona Virus and being quarantined to finally wake us up to the truth.  When we finally understand that the world, we live in is artificial and thus structured by human ideas and notions, and concepts which the rational age brought, we start waking up, we start seeing the Illusion.  The structures give the illusion of safety – when in truth they do not.

It gives the illusion that it has answers for everything – yet, what does it in truth know?

It gives the illusion of power – which in truth is built on false notions of power.

For the greatest power and truth lie within the soul and its infinite connection with the Divine, and its cosmic heritage, for the other soul parts work and live in other galaxies and star systems.  We cannot be ever separated nor severed from the Divine, nor the other soul parts, nor the soul group, nor the cosmic whole!

Yet, we falsely were led to believe that this planet was the only planet which had live on, and that there is no other live in the star systems and galaxies etc.

Yet, look within our own soul, and have you not felt like an alien on this planet many a time, for your soul remembers other existences and other forms of life and being, where there is harmony, balance and wholeness. Your soul remembers.

Even here on Planet earth there were civilization which once were highly advanced and all had Golden Ages, of balance and harmony, when wars and strive and control were unknown.  Yet, always it seems that when humanity rises to a certain degree, they tend to be swayed off course.

Plato states it so eloquently, as I shared with my students in my seminars in Greece and Egypt, that the Atlanteans had mastered a high degree of technology, but then got so arrogant, that they believed that they could do whatever they wanted and create outside the Divine Laws, and they started to destroy themselves and the earth, and this culminated in the Great Flood as the Gods wished to teach them a lesson, and Atlantis was wiped off the face of the earth.

Let us remember that the highest pathways, go through the heart and soul, and not through the mind.

The mind plays out its role to perfection, when ideas and concepts and visions, first arise from the heart and soul and with great soul, and then the mind is used to bring this into being, by finding innovative ways of creating this into physical forms and existence.  In this way the heart and mind work in unison.

For the higher soul self, will always adhere to the Divine and the Universal Laws because it seeks Oneness and Unity with great love.  It ever seeks to co-create within the Divine Laws.

The soul is infinite.

So is Love.

When the Power of Love is what is what governs our heart and souls, and when it becomes a way of life again, that is when humanity will finally have mastered the lessons of Atlantis, and what was even before Atlantis.

When we finally understand that we are all soul journeying here but for a single eyewink in eternity, and thus that we have the responsibility, each one of us, to create the best life for ourselves, for others, and in harmony with Mother Earth, nature and all within and upon her, that we will finally return to the state of harmony, balance and simplicity.

It does not mean to deny the shadow, but rather to allow the Light and the Shadow to balance each other out, so that we can reach the highest state of equilibrium. For the shadow serves as much as the Light.  Indeed, when the equilibrate each other, they become the Divine Harmony and Balance, for all of God’s Creation is harmonious.  It is in a higher state of Balance.

As the scales of balance is now tipping profusely between the light and shadow, it is time for us all to go deeply within our own hearts and souls, and to seek renewed meaning and purpose for our lives.  We need to surrender all our notions, our programming, our preconceived ideas, our struggles, our victories, our innermost prayers of our hearts and souls and being, upon the Sacred Altars of the Divine.

“Thy will, and not our Will be Done!”

“May all work out in the highest and best way for the highest good of all concerned.”

When you do this, you are not losing control, but in fact allow the Mighty Divine Master Plan to unfold perfectly within you, and through you.

In moments when we finally have surrendered everything, be become no-thing.  Yet, the Universe abhors a vacuum:  the minute you are emptied, the Divine Love and Guidance and infinite Wisdom and Light will fill it.

In such moments one has tears of gratitude and awe and wonder flowing.  One become so ATONE with the Divine, that we are just Love, pure unconditional love.

One is at peace, in the deepest essence of self.

All will work out perfectly for this too shall pass and is already passing.

Yet, know that when you surrender in the deepest aspect of self, your life will change.  You will shift as you have never shifted before, but it will be a shifting into the Higher Soul Self, and eternal Being, the higher TRUTH within yourself!

New insights and guidance will come.

Your soul calling and purpose will be renewed.

You will now allow yourself to be guided, by the Divine guidance within you.

The outside world will cease to run your life:  The Divine and you, yourself will run it.

For now, you know that no matter what happens on the outside, what truly matters is what is going on in your INSIDE.

Faith, hope and fortitude are there, and with is a deep stillness, a quiet knowing that by surrendering to the Mighty Divine Flow of the Rivers of Life, you will be safely carried to the Shore!

Yet know that old shore will not be the familiar and mundane life you got so used to – no!

It will be a new life and new shores in a much higher dimensional state and a much higher frequency band.

It is the return of the higher state of Balance and Harmony, and equilibrium.

Yet, this first needs to be found INSIDE of you, before it can manifest outside of you.

You are humanity!

Remember this!

As you shift, you shift humanity.

As you start applying the Power of Love, you become it!

Open your heart and allow the Power of Love to flood your whole life, heart, soul, mind and Being!

And know this is a time of huge gatherings and two of these gatherings I will personally bring to humanity, plus a deep and conscious awakening, during my two Seminars in Sedona and Mount Shasta in August and September 2020.

I have spoken!

Judith Kusel

Soul Readings:


Seminars in USA:



Facebook:  Judith Kusel

You Tube Channel: Judith Kusel


The Great Awakening Code: Confronting the Shadow

A mass awakening is happening, as humanity, at large is forced to confront their own shadow, the darker side, the fears, the structures, the forms, the patterns, the old karmic patterns created over many lifetimes.
For in truth, that is what this virus is forcing us to do: to become introspective instead of outer-spective. To dig deep within ourselves: our greatest fears, our greatest worries, our greatest remembrance of traumatic deaths in past lives: – especially lifetimes in Europe and elsewhere where the Black Death hit, the huge pandemics which killed off whole cities and villages during the Middle Ages. More than this, it is the deep remembering of other even greater catastrophes, like the last Great Flood, when vast continents sunk under the sea and the whole landscape of the earth changed within a few days. Atlantis being the last, as before Atlantis, came Lemuria and Mu, Avalon, the Lion Kingdom and Elysium – the latter destroyed during the Wars of Heavens, when planet earth was thrown out of orbit and the whole of the galactic core was in total chaos as galaxies were blown up.
In the last few months I have had to clear so much of the past life trauma, the shadow, the pain, and more than this, dissolving old karmic patterns, finally freeing myself and the souls involved. For we cannot release the shadow, without forgiveness and loving Grace. We need to dig deeply within ourselves and confront the shadow, and then allow the heart to open, as we forgive ourselves and then others. So many times, we tend to beat ourselves up, buy into blame, shame and guilt, which pulls us down more than builds us up. Until we truly forgive ourselves, we in truth cannot forgive others to the same degree.
In moments of true loving Grace, there are just tears of gratitude,  and we can thank the souls for the roles they played out in our lives to teach us valuable soul lessons.
Remember it is not only the individual souls being addressed now: but the collective. In truth old family karma, old country karma, old world karma. The shadow is there reminding us, that we cannot ascend as a collective whole, without us all agreeing to finally forgive, to let go of all the anger, resentments, the fears, the sickness of the collective. For we are all ONE, at the deepest levels. We all have shadow and light within us. They: – are in fact we, us!
It is a time of intense and immense heart opening – when we find a deep caring again, for others, for our fellow men and women. When our hearts open, greater shifts in consciousness will happen, as we now start to understand, that it is only with the Heart that we can see clearly: all else is illusion. The heart and soul can stretch Universally, it is not bound to planet earth. You are in truth a cosmic Being and Soul!

To not resent the shadow: Welcome it in. Talk to it. Ask it what is teaching you and you will be surprised!
How often do we tend to ignore the shadow, to ignore the warning signs, even if alarm bells are ringing everywhere?!
How often do we tend to close our hearts, instead of opening it up and assisting our fellow men and women as they struggle through life?
How often do we tend to treat Mother Earth and all living things, as something to always just take from, and not honor and respect?
How often do we turn a blind eye to what is going on, mainly because we fear and we do not wish to get involved?
How many of us, refuse to truly heed the highest calling of our souls, because we fear to step out of our comfort zones, because we fear the judgments of others, because we fear we will not have enough?
The list goes on and on.
When we suddenly are confronted with death and our own mortality, we go through the same process as most terminally ill people do. There is no running away anymore. Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross, who started the hospice movement and who devoted her entire life to assist the terminal ill, said that those who had most difficulty dying, where the ones who never truly lived their lives!
I remember reading this years ago, and I promised myself that I would serve to the highest degrees the rest of life, and that I would live life as best I could, so that I would have no regrets. I still do this. That does not mean that I did not have to face hardships (I have and those who know me, know how much I have had to overcome in the last few years), nor struggle, nor have my moments where my faith wavers, and when I am down! I am human too. Yet, I know for sure that I am never left alone, that I am always surrounded by cosmic support systems and Divine Love, Light and Wisdom, day and night!
The same applies to all of us.
The Divine declared a long time ago that the planet will ascend back into the 7th dimensional state and this is exactly what is happening.
I was given a vision the other day, where I saw what happened to a certain civilization many thousands of years ago, when they knew the floods were coming. They, as a collective gathered, and they all chose, en mass, to ascend into the highest dimensional state. Indeed, they were still here, and present, as the Ancient Ones, and never left the planet. We just cannot see them with our physical eyes, but with the Third Eye. They still hold the collective energy steady for humankind, as they vowed not to leave until humanity finally ascends into the 7th dimensional state.
When this vision and knowing was given me, I had tears. I was overawed, that a whole people would take this onto themselves! What a gift of selfless service!
What if we would all, as one, serve from now on, with all that we have and are, and that we will go and face the shadow, and we will go and do the inner cleansing and clearing, and wipe our own slates clean, and then go and inspire the rest of humanity to do the same? If our hearts and souls would open, and we will start to truly care about those who cross our paths, and be the angels of mercy, goodwill, love, wisdom, light, and way showers for those who are lost, who are ill, who have nowhere to turn to and nowhere to go?
What if we start opening centers where we can live in eco-friendly ways, and start helping each other, and work together, instead of running the rat race and being cut-throat and self-centered and selfish?
It is a time of great gathering of like-minded souls, who will bring the new life and way of life to the fore in immense and beautiful ways.
The Intergalactic Counsels keep showing me, the new humanity – the New world rising, and it is in truth Golden.

ParaNature-JeanLuc (1)
Yet, at the same time, a huge purification is happening, and many souls will be leaving the planet, mainly because their soul contracts are fulfilled, and they chose to leave at this time.
We are going through the fires of purification – and therefore the more we purify our own energy fields, and do the inner work, and seek higher guidance, and connect ever more deeply with our souls, our soul groups, and the whole of the Cosmic Hierarchy, the brighter and lighter we will become. Our crystalline bodies are becoming more and more sensitive to harshness, to jamming frequencies, and thus become aware of this and then do what needs to be done.
Become an inspiration – instead of spreading more fear. Become a Beacon of Light and Love – which changes the world.
This time calls for loving and inspired leadership. It calls for visionaries and it calls for those who will lead humanity through this crisis, with great love and dedication. This is not a time to shrink – but to expand! To step ever higher in loving service!
I am reminded of a lady who used to come to the library where I was Librarian in a wheelchair. She was paralyzed and thus had very little movement left in her body. Yet, she always had a word of love, encouragement, and hope for everyone she met. She said that she could not walk and be mobile anymore, so she felt herself called to serve, by praying for others. She asked people to send her prayer lists so that she could pray for their loved ones or when they were ill, etc. This became her way of rendering highest service with great love!
Being at home now is a blessing! You can serve from home in great ways. You need not even leave the home – you can pray, you can meditate, you can do the inner work and you can call in the angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, the Divine etc. and ask them to send in the violet flame into hospitals and areas. You can call in the healing angels and Archangel Raphael to heal humanity. The list is endless. In whatever way you feel yourself called, and would love to serve, go serve.
We are here to bring the best out of each other currently, and to help each other to transcend into the highest dimensional states.
What a calling!
Embrace the calling!
The old is leaving us.
Embrace the new and the higher way!
A beautiful rebirth is happening, and a gross awakening for humankind!
The phoenix is rising from the ashes!
Judith Kusel
Facebook: Judith Kusel
Twitter: judithkusel2


The Rebirth amplified


The Pleiadean Counsel of Light is now working intensely with planet earth, as one of those 12 Master Galaxies who were involved with the creation of the outer earth.

The Pleiades hold the Temples of Light and so many of native people of the earth honor them as being their ancestors, e.g. the San Bushman of Southern Africa, as well as Native American Tribes.

At this moment the Pleiadean Counsel of Light with those of Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, the Milky Way Galaxy, Lyra, Arcturus, the Bear Constellation, Cygnus, Pegasus,  and others, are gathering like never before around the planet, assisting it incredible rise in vibrational frequencies as it shifts ever deeper into the 5th dimensional state, linking now to the 6th.

5 return of the temple of the white falme 15 5

The New Earth is buzzing with life.  She is not reborn, she is being recreated into the highest version of herself, as she was in the beginning.

She has been linked up to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination once more, and thus is being now infused with the highest codes and keys of Illumination, which for many millions of years, humanity did not have access to, as asteroids bombarded the earth and many of the ancient civilizations were destroyed, almost overnight.

Before these ancient civilizations were destroyed, their own Seers and Visionaries had warned of the impending destruction, and so of the people, en masse, who were ready, aware and conscious chose to withdraw their energy and their physical reality before the catastrophes happen.  They never left the planet, they merely exist in a much higher dimensional form, and thus a much higher type of light body form, and they call themselves “The Ancient Ones” as much as they are the Guardians and Keepers of those places which they still guard.

During the last 24 hours, massive energy changes have streamed in and are streaming in, which is accelerating the dimensional shifts as well as bringing rebirth at a very higher level.

The rebirth is happening a cellular and DNA levels, where the Pleiadean Counsel of Light, together with the Arcturans (the Master Galactic Healers/Physicians) together with the Higher Counsel of Medicine held in Sirius, are now reprogramming us a deep cellular and DNA levels.

As this is happening, old and dormant soul memory banks are surfacing, which are enabling us to now finally release the old negative karmic patterns created between souls (now again incarnated), as well as very old ancestral programming and negative patterns.

It will be as if the floodgates have opened, not only at physical level where our bodies now need to cope with accelerated upgrading, into the very core of each living cell and DNA strand, but also with the way we produce food and digest it.  Our digestive systems will start reacting to a much higher degree to what it finds intolerable and thus, be careful what you eat, and how you eat it.

Many soul contracts are being fulfilled now, and there will be a mass exit of the planet of those souls who are contracted to leave now.  They are making way for the new generations of pure souls who are already here, the and ones queuing up to be born.

We are during a dramatic rebirth; the likes of this humanity have never experienced before.

We need to build out light bodies and be diligent and disciplined about it.  It is best to work intensely with the Violet Fire now and become aware that the Fires of Purification are with us and purifying us to the highest degrees.

Some will cling onto the old structures, the old life and life forms, for dear life and will find that the more they cling onto anything, the more it will disintegrate.  One cannot hang onto anything and anyone anymore – all is rapidly changing form.

The Pleiadean High Counsel of Light (they hold the Temples of Light in the inner planes, as well the Light Language which is a language of sacred geometrical symbols and encoded codes of Light), are stressing that you will start feeling rebirth at within ALL your bodies: – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and your etheric and energy bodies will be filled with high frequency light encodements beamed down from the Pleiades.


It is a time of transmutation, transformation, and to be welcomed and not feared.

It is a deep inner change which is happening: – for in truth Divinity lives within each one of us.  It from deep within ourselves that we connect directly to the Divine and All-That-Is.  This awareness will spread like wildfire now, for it time for humanity to remember and reconnect, for it only through this reconnection that you will be able to navigate the intense and immense changes pouring in, which will accelerate until 2034 when another portal of renewal opens.  Especially 2021, will accelerate the whole process and we will be assisted through all of this, if we are open to it.

Let the deepest healing within you now occur.  Let there be healing of the negative karmic patterns, let there be healing of the ancestral karma, the country karma, the collective karma.

And let there be a rejoicing, for all which has held us back for so long, and which kept us chained to the lower bodies of the 3rd Dimension, are now coming off.

This is immensely freeing, and it is truly a Divine Gift to humanity of the highest order.

The key to riding the wave of rebirth goes through the heart and soul and going deep within for guidance and reconnection to All-That-IS.

Judith Kusel

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

Twitter:  judithkusel2


YouTube:  Judith Kusel